BAMBOOCA,It is a Peruvian triple impact (environmental, economic and social) brand belonging to Libiak Peru.That develops products with bamboo, to satisfy the new healthy consumption trends from the Huánuco jungle (Peru). We take care and respect nature, through a fair trade that increases the quality of life of former cocales farmers, belonging to hamlets in the Aucayacu - Tingo María district.

Nutritional value: Bamboo is one of the richest foods in edible and dietary fiber.It is also well known for including 17 amino acids, as a series of important minerals, among which are: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, among others.

Bamboo tea benefits:
  • Improves bone density and joints.
  • Help regulate blood pressure.
  • Digestive, reduce negative cholesterol.
  • Antioxidant and diuretic.
  • Promotes collagen production.
  • Energy.
  • Anti -inflammatory.
Our bamboo

In Peru we have about 60 species of bamboo, highlighting the guadua angustifolia.This kind of bamboo is mainly found in warm to tempered climates, also in climates from 80 to 90% relative humidity in our country.

This plant has aroused the interest of rural populations, since through a sustainable perspective, we encourage:

Scientific research/ analysis methods performed:

Acid digestion/determination of elements by optical emission spectrophotometer with coupled plasma, inductively - Icpoes. Agrarian university of the jungle.

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Contact us


Av. Talara 683 Int. 802, Jesús María, Lima-Perú.


+51 968 977 697

